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Installa MoniA su un sito Webflow (2.0)

Lo script MoniA ti permette di installare rapidamente la tua intelligenza artificiale sul tuo sito Webflow.
Configuralo facilmente dalla tua area cliente Cercle Business in modo che MoniA risponda a tutte le domande dei tuoi visitatori.
Date: 31/05/2024
Size: 237 Bs
Hits: 14

How to install and use Monia on your site:

Webflow does not allow the installation of plugins like in WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. However, you can embed custom code on your Webflow site to add similar functionality. Here's how to embed the script on your Webflow site:

  1. Log in to your Webflow account and open the project where you want to add the widget.
  2. Click on the \"Pages" tab in the left sidebar, then click the gear icon next to the page where you want to add the widget.
  3. Scroll to the "Custom Code" section and click the icon to open the "Page Settings" window.
  4. Paste the code you downloaded in the "Before" field tag" (Before the tag)
  5. Replace YOUR_TOKEN with your Cercle Business token.
  6. Click "Save" to save the changes, then publish your Webflow site to see the widget in action.
  7. You can adjust the sensitivity of MoniA from your Cercle Business space.


The domain that you have pre-registered for the use of MoniA is:


Your domain

MoniA will only work on the domain you have predefined. Go to your dashboard in your space to select it.

Easy to customize

With just a few parameters you can define the best approach to make MoniA compatible with the way you see things, respond, adjust its creativity, its mood.


MoniA is compatible with all our subscription plans, including free. These subscriptions allow you to adjust its options and sensitivity according to the needs of your business and your website.